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  • Trendintex
  • Trendintex

Trendintex srl

“Trendintex s.r.l” is a young, dynamic firm that supplies materials to hatmakers. Founded in 2001, the company evolved quickly, targetting its core business.

The company has already enjoyed notable success, especially in the distribution of unfinished hat blanks and fabrics destined for major hat producers in Italy and around the world. This is due to the firm’s young, dynamic structure, able to respond quickly to hat factories’ needs, allowing them to constantly enrich their collections with new models.

Trendintex supplies: natural fibers, artificial and synthetic raffias, cloches (hat blanks) in fine straws, sisol, parasisol, raffia grass; winter cloches in felt and prized wools, raw fabrics woven on antique looms, finished fabrics and much more. This impressive variety of materials is spearheaded by Trendintex’s best-known product: the “panama”, a semi-finished piece woven by hand, using antique methods with fibers taken from the “carludovica palmata”, known as the “Toquilla”. The name of this plant may not be famous, but the hat created by the most-skilled craftsmen in the business certainly is: the Panama. Much time has passed since President Theodore Roosevelt wore his “fino” in public to celebrate the inauguration of the Panama Canal, but the incomparable charm of a Panama Montecristi continues to fascinate the world.

Trendintex, with the tens of thousands of “panama” blanks it imports every year, is the European reference point for this product; a sort of transportation artery for hat factories big and small, whose products compete to complete the excellence of the final product: the hat.



Trendintex srl
via del Lazzaretto, 168
59100 Prato
T +39 0574 643577


Nome azienda

R-Group s.r.l

Data fondazione

Maggio 2001

Referente commerciale

Marco Rossi e Lorenzo Rossi

Produzione di

Semilavorati e tessuti per la produzione di cappelli estivi e invernali

Si rivolge a

Cappellifici di tutto il mondo per tutte le fasce di prezzo

Punti vendita

Sede operativa. Via Rocco Benini 14/a, Campi Bisenzio